Store Policy
Estimated processing time for orders placed is 1-2 weeks. This time may vary depending on order size and current order volume.
Estimated shipping time depends on location. Please contact us if you require a specific estimate.
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes.
Once a package is in the possession of the shipping carrier we can not be held responsible for any delays or damages.
We do not accept returns and/or exchanges due to nature of products. All items are handmade. However, please contact us if there are any problems with your order or your order arrives damaged.
We will only use your contact information to contact you about your order, fulfill your order or for legal purposes.
We will use your email address for email marketing only if you allowed us to. You can always unsubscribe.
All items are handmade. Due to this patterns and colors may be slightly different than pictured.
Bow ties and bandanas are NOT toys and your pet should not be left unattended while wearing them.
Bandanas are accessories and do not replace a collar. Leashes should never be attached to bandana.
Jersey Pups Co and it’s vendors can never be held responsible for any damage done to any animal(s) due to misuse of the products.
Pets should not be wearing bow ties and/or bandanas during playtime as these items may cause a chocking hazard
Measurements on sizes might be slightly larger or smaller but will not effect the overall size.